Akshaya S

Name of the student AKSHAYA S Gender Female Student ID number 20EN1055 Email ID akshayarajan156@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 20EN1055 MobileNumber 9444475453 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AS


Name of the student LALRINZUALI Gender Female Student ID number 20EN1053 Email ID zualiralte.zn@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 20EN1053 MobileNumber 9980696398 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : L


Name of the student NISHA.V Gender Female Student ID number 20EN1054 Email ID nishav3394@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 20EN1054 MobileNumber 8921063018 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : N

Indranil Paul

Name of the student INDRANIL PAUL Gender Male Student ID number 20EN1052 Email ID indraniljabber@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 20EN1052 MobileNumber 9599207728 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : IP

Yamini K

Name of the student YAMINI K Gender Female Student ID number 20OP1091 Email ID yamini560@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 20OP1091 MobileNumber 7022079663 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : YK

Swati Kushwah

Name of the student SWATI KUSHWAH Gender Female Student ID number 20OP1048 Email ID swatikushwah9@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 20OP1048 MobileNumber 9561602115 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SK

Madala Poojitha

Name of the student Madala POOJITHA Gender Female Student ID number 20OP1093 Email ID poojithamadala.pm@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 20OP1093 MobileNumber 8494906087 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MP

Panaah Shetty

Name of the student PANAAH SHETTY Gender Female Student ID number 20OP1045 Email ID panaahiscoming@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 20OP1045 MobileNumber 9632354066 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : PS

Kruthika S

Name of the student KRUTHIKA S Gender Female Student ID number 20OP1092 Email ID eversweetkruthika@gmil.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 20OP1092 MobileNumber 8356295971 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : KS

Adipudi Ramya

Name of the student ADIPUDI RAMYA Gender Female Student ID number 20OP1090 Email ID aramya.2710@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 20OP1090 MobileNumber 7893782676 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AR

Jagadish U

Name of the student JAGADISH U Gender Male Student ID number 20OR1071 Email ID jagadishjaga110346@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 20OR1071 MobileNumber 8778853605 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : JU

Siyad M Nazar

Name of the student SIYAD M NAZAR Gender Male Student ID number 20OR1040 Email ID siyadamnazar@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 20OR1040 MobileNumber 8593815319 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SMN

Shravya Monica K

Name of the student SHRAVYA MONICA K Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1089 Email ID shravyamonicak95@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1089 MobileNumber 9972302524 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SMK

Sabah Hussain

Name of the student SABAH HUSSAIN Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1088 Email ID sabahhussain91@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1088 MobileNumber 9901898155 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SH

Sahithya S

Name of the student SAHITHYA S Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1038 Email ID sahilaksh96@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1038 MobileNumber 7299908222 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SS

Raveena K S

Name of the student RAVEENA K S Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1037 Email ID raveenakethineni95@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1037 MobileNumber 9566118673 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : RKS

Nandini Bhavanam

Name of the student NANDINI BHAVANAM Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1058 Email ID nbhavanam@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1058 MobileNumber 8885855553 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : NB

Nekkanti Dhanusha

Name of the student NEKKANTI DHANUSHA Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1035 Email ID dhanusha883@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1035 MobileNumber 9676230367 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : ND

Lisley Konar

Name of the student LISLEY KONAR Gender Female Student ID number 20OG1034 Email ID lis20.kon95@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 20OG1034 MobileNumber 8582802103 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : LK

Vedanth M

Name of the student VEDANTH M Gender Male Student ID number 20GS1032 Email ID abhi.vedanth@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 20GS1032 MobileNumber 9880012233 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : VM

Chalana N R

Name of the student CHALANA N R Gender Female Student ID number 20GS1030 Email ID chalanrajgowda27@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 20GS1030 MobileNumber 9481525780 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : CNR

Lavanya R

Name of the student LAVANYA R Gender Female Student ID number 20GS1070 Email ID reddylavanya.nrp@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 20GS1070 MobileNumber 7619145119 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : LR

Veni Nirudya K

Name of the student VENI NIRUDYA K Gender Female Student ID number 20PS1072 Email ID venininedya@gmail.com Program name MD Psychiatry Enrolment ID 20PS1072 MobileNumber 9655696136 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : VNK

Vidya Shree C

Name of the student VIDYA SHREE C Gender Female Student ID number 20AN1023 Email ID drvidyashree27@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1023 MobileNumber 8197930269 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : VSC

Mano Ranjitha.v

Name of the student MANO RANJITHA.V Gender Female Student ID number 20PS1073 Email ID manoranjithambbs@gamil.com Program name MD Psychiatry Enrolment ID 20PS1073 MobileNumber 8072411181 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MR

Pooja Giriyapur

Name of the student POOJA GIRIYAPUR Gender Female Student ID number 20AN1022 Email ID poojagiriyapur09@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1022 MobileNumber 9986564916 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : PG

Padmasree M K

Name of the student PADMASREE M K Gender Female Student ID number 20AN1074 Email ID padduvaishu@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1074 MobileNumber 9632416782 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : PMK

Smruthi N

Name of the student SMRUTHI N Gender Female Student ID number 20AN1021 Email ID smruthinatraj.1610@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1021 MobileNumber 9741996666 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SN

Mathew George

Name of the student MATHEW GEORGE Gender Male Student ID number 20AN1059 Email ID mathewgeoraep94.mg@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1059 MobileNumber 8892715040 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MG

Rahul Kurra

Name of the student Rahul Kurra Gender Male Student ID number 20AN1060 Email ID kurrarahul@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1060 MobileNumber 7995199550 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : RK

Dhanalakshmi M

Name of the student DHANALAKSHMI M Gender Female Student ID number 20AN1020 Email ID madhanamkutty@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1020 MobileNumber 8754850050 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : DM

Aswin B

Name of the student ASWIN B Gender Male Student ID number 20AN1018 Email ID aswin6329@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1018 MobileNumber 8489860157 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AB

B Monisha

Name of the student B MONISHA Gender Female Student ID number 20AN1019 Email ID monishareddy.b20@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 20AN1019 MobileNumber 9949966624 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : BM

R Mahima Kale

Name of the student R MAHIMA KALE Gender Female Student ID number 20RD1056 Email ID rmahimakale@rediffmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 20RD1056 MobileNumber 9113951526 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : RMK

Revanth R B

Name of the student REVANTH R B Gender Male Student ID number 20RD1029 Email ID revanthrbhat@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 20RD1029 MobileNumber 7829624624 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : RRB

Lynn Joy

Name of the student LYNN JOY Gender Female Student ID number 20RD1027 Email ID lynnjoy26@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 20RD1027 MobileNumber 9744115975 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : LJ

Madan Kumar K N

Name of the student MADAN KUMAR K N Gender Male Student ID number 20RD1026 Email ID talktomadan@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 20RD1026 MobileNumber 9003785609 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MKKN

Kalathuru Uhasai

Name of the student KALATHURU UHASAI Gender Female Student ID number 20RD1085 Email ID uhasai3475@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 20RD1085 MobileNumber 9000245013 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : KU

Arun Raj Kumar S

Name of the student ARUN RAJ KUMAR S Gender Male Student ID number 20RD1025 Email ID drarunrajkumar1994@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 20RD1025 MobileNumber 8668134330 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : ARKS

Pavithra T R

Name of the student PAVITHRA T R Gender Female Student ID number 20CD1080 Email ID pavithratr21@gmail.com Program name MD Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 20CD1080 MobileNumber 9600093777 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : PTR

Harish Prasanna R

Name of the student HARISH PRASANNA R Gender Male Student ID number 20CD1063 Email ID drharishprasannahp@gmail.com Program name MD Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 20CD1063 MobileNumber 8056890970 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : HPR

Madhu Kiran C

Name of the student MADHU KIRAN C Gender Male Student ID number 20CD1079 Email ID drmadhukirancmalur@gmail.com Program name MD Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 20CD1079 MobileNumber 7760508809 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MKC

Padala Trisali

Name of the student PADALA TRISALI Gender Female Student ID number 20PD1017 Email ID trisali.padala@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 20PD1017 MobileNumber 7702326781 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : PT

Jefrin Anto B C

Name of the student JEFRIN ANTO B C Gender Male Student ID number 20PD1015 Email ID jefrinanton689@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 20PD1015 MobileNumber 8903873766 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : JABC

T Mathu Mitha

Name of the student T MATHU MITHA Gender Female Student ID number 20PD1016 Email ID mathumitha.thrimalasami@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 20PD1016 MobileNumber 8220067333 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : TMM

Ankem Praveen

Name of the student ANKEM PRAVEEN Gender Male Student ID number 20PD1013 Email ID praveenankem07001@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 20PD1013 MobileNumber 6281488826 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AP

Bindu T

Name of the student BINDU T Gender Female Student ID number 20PD1014 Email ID 04bindu@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 20PD1014 MobileNumber 9980375055 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : BT

Penumatsa Amulya

Name of the student PENUMATSA AMULYA Gender Female Student ID number 20GM1010 Email ID amulyapenmetsabunny@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 20GM1010 MobileNumber 9963083256 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : PA

Manasa Dixit C

Name of the student MANASA DIXIT C Gender Female Student ID number 20GM1009 Email ID manasa41@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 20GM1009 MobileNumber 9902011512 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MDC

Kavya B.k

Name of the student KAVYA B.K Gender Female Student ID number 20GM1008 Email ID bkkavya763@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 20GM1008 MobileNumber 9886972761 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : KB

Vivek Jayan

Name of the student VIVEK JAYAN Gender Male Student ID number 20CM1067 Email ID thevivekjyn@gmail.com Program name MD Social and Preventive Medicine Community Medicine Enrolment ID 20CM1067 MobileNumber 9061083903 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : VJ

Inba Praveen. I

Name of the student INBA PRAVEEN. I Gender Male Student ID number 20GM1064 Email ID drinbapraveen93@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 20GM1064 MobileNumber 9597595866 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : IPI

Ramees M Sali

Name of the student RAMEES M SALI Gender Male Student ID number 20CM1076 Email ID rameesmsali001@gmail.com Program name MD Social and Preventive Medicine Community Medicine Enrolment ID 20CM1076 MobileNumber 9746040253 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : RMS

Sindhu Shankar S

Name of the student SINDHU SHANKAR S Gender Female Student ID number 20CM1007 Email ID kutti1617@gmail.com Program name MD Social and Preventive Medicine Community Medicine Enrolment ID 20CM1007 MobileNumber 7975884576 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SSS

Abhishek S.v

Name of the student ABHISHEK S.V Gender Male Student ID number 20CM1097 Email ID abhishek317@gmail.com Program name MD Social and Preventive Medicine Community Medicine Enrolment ID 20CM1097 MobileNumber 9995104486 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AS

Anandu S

Name of the student ANANDU S Gender Male Student ID number 20CM1006 Email ID anandusureshuthradam@gmail.com Program name MD Social and Preventive Medicine Community Medicine Enrolment ID 20CM1006 MobileNumber 8547199632 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AS

Manjupriya S

Name of the student MANJUPRIYA S Gender Female Student ID number 20PR1098 Email ID drshakthisarathy@gmail.com Program name MD Pharmacology Enrolment ID 20PR1098 MobileNumber 9444507803 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : MS