Tunuguntla Amrutha
Name of the student TUNUGUNTLA AMRUTHA Gender Female Student ID number 20AP1004 Email ID amruthat25@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20AP1004 MobileNumber 9703009116 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : TA
Name of the student TUNUGUNTLA AMRUTHA Gender Female Student ID number 20AP1004 Email ID amruthat25@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20AP1004 MobileNumber 9703009116 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : TA
Name of the student VAJJA NAGARAJU Gender Male Student ID number 20PA1084 Email ID naglotus321@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20PA1084 MobileNumber 9811653887 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : VN
Name of the student SATADRUTI CHAKRABORTY Gender Female Student ID number 20PA1066 Email ID chakrabortysata09@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20PA1066 MobileNumber 9774189622 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SC
Name of the student AYSWARIA PADMAJA UNNITHAN Gender Female Student ID number 20PA1096 Email ID aiswaryaunnithan27@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20PA1096 MobileNumber 9747809818 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : APU
Name of the student SUDARSHAN K Gender Male Student ID number 20PA1002 Email ID sudarshankrishnappa@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20PA1002 MobileNumber 9480866736 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : SK
Name of the student PRIYADARSHINI ASHOK Gender Female Student ID number 19PG069 Email ID priyashok2196@yahoo.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 19PG069 MobileNumber 9945538116 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : PA
Name of the student ANKITA GIRDHAR Gender Female Student ID number 20PA1001 Email ID ankitabaghel20@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 20PA1001 MobileNumber 7988153852 Year of joining 2020 Short Form : AG
Name of the student MEENAVALLI ROHITHA Gender Female Student ID number 19PG067 Email ID rohithameenavalli93@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 19PG067 MobileNumber 9573889888 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MR
Name of the student NIVEDITHA A Gender Female Student ID number 19PG068 Email ID niveditha.ashok1994@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 19PG068 MobileNumber 8600450722 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : NA
Name of the student KARNIKA R K Gender Female Student ID number 19PG066 Email ID rkdsingh@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 19PG066 MobileNumber 9986017225 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : KRK
Name of the student FESLI LATHEEF Gender Female Student ID number 19PG064 Email ID feshilathif@gmail.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 19PG064 MobileNumber 9633960833 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : FL
Name of the student IRFAN AHMED NIWAS Gender Male Student ID number 19PG065 Email ID irfanniwas@yahoo.com Program name MS ENT Enrolment ID 19PG065 MobileNumber 9746545607 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : IAN
Name of the student RAHUL GOWDA N R Gender Male Student ID number 19PG062 Email ID herahul23@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 19PG062 MobileNumber 7019910689 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : RGNR
Name of the student SRI ARCHANA Gender Female Student ID number 19PG063 Email ID archanashetty0693@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 19PG063 MobileNumber 8073819778 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SA
Name of the student KARISHMA AGGARWAL Gender Female Student ID number 19PG060 Email ID karishma.ian@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 19PG060 MobileNumber 7022166450 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : KA
Name of the student NALINI K RAYAS Gender Female Student ID number 19PG061 Email ID nalinikrayas@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 19PG061 MobileNumber 9731754966 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : NKR
Name of the student AASTHA GARG Gender Female Student ID number 19PG058 Email ID aasthagarg93@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 19PG058 MobileNumber 9535399137 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : AG
Name of the student DEEPAK ARORA Gender Male Student ID number 19PG059 Email ID deepak.kims.95@gmail.com Program name MD MS Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 19PG059 MobileNumber 8553481770 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : DA
Name of the student SAIGANESH D SHETTY Gender Male Student ID number 19PG057 Email ID saiganesh11@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG057 MobileNumber 9448871480 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SDS
Name of the student PATEL DARSHANKUMAR ATULBHAI Gender Male Student ID number 19PG056 Email ID drrshanpatel00962@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG056 MobileNumber 9033906948 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : PDA
Name of the student NANDINI SANJAY Gender Female Student ID number 19PG054 Email ID nandinisanjay3@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG054 MobileNumber 7204486125 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : NS
Name of the student PARAMANANTHAM MADHAVAN Gender Male Student ID number 19PG055 Email ID maddyring53@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG055 MobileNumber 9884389696 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : PM
Name of the student ARUN KUMAAR S.P Gender Male Student ID number 19PG052 Email ID dr_arunkumaar13@rediffmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG052 MobileNumber 8056673210 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : AKS
Name of the student KARTHIK S J Gender Male Student ID number 19PG053 Email ID sjpgprap@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG053 MobileNumber 9791300599 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : KSJ
Name of the student ABHI SHARMA Gender Male Student ID number 19PG050 Email ID dcabhisharma@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG050 MobileNumber 7349457147 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : AS
Name of the student ANIL KUMAR P Gender Male Student ID number 19PG051 Email ID anilprakashvenom@gmail.com Program name MS Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 19PG051 MobileNumber 9986156466 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : AKP
Name of the student SRUJANA LAKSHMI S N Gender Female Student ID number 19PG048 Email ID dr.srujana2k10@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG048 MobileNumber 9441573524 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SLSN
Name of the student SUDHA MALLIDI Gender Female Student ID number 19PG049 Email ID sudhamallidi@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG049 MobileNumber 9177901494 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SM
Name of the student SARDHARA KOMAL JENTIBHAI Gender Female Student ID number 19PG046 Email ID ksardhara7@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG046 MobileNumber 7016393872 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SKJ
Name of the student SHREYA SINGH Gender Female Student ID number 19PG047 Email ID shreyasingh523@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG047 MobileNumber 9648726880 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SS
Name of the student MADANA JYOTSNA PRIYA Gender Female Student ID number 19PG044 Email ID priya.jyotsna07@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG044 MobileNumber 8884500000 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MJP
Name of the student MEGHANA SREENIVAS Gender Female Student ID number 19PG045 Email ID meghana1279421@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG045 MobileNumber 9481423761 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MS
Name of the student DEEKSHA RAO M Gender Female Student ID number 19PG041 Email ID deekshamrao@gmail.com Program name MD MS Obstetrtics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 19PG041 MobileNumber 9486588107 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : DRM
Name of the student YADAMREDDY ROHIT KUMAR Gender Male Student ID number 19PG040 Email ID yadamreddy.rohit@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 19PG040 MobileNumber 8971056679 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : YRK
Name of the student MURAKONDA SOWMYA CHOWDARY Gender Female Student ID number 19PG038 Email ID sowmyachoudari@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 19PG038 MobileNumber 9493447634 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MSC
Name of the student SETTIGIRI AVINASH Gender Male Student ID number 19PG039 Email ID avinashreddymed123@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 19PG039 MobileNumber 8555834566 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SA
Name of the student DEEPTHI PRADEEP PATIL KULKARNI Gender Female Student ID number 19PG036 Email ID deepthipatil28@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 19PG036 MobileNumber 7411170554 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : DPPK
Name of the student MANASWIN K S Gender Male Student ID number 19PG037 Email ID ksmanaswin09@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 19PG037 MobileNumber 8951303006 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MKS
Name of the student SAVANA WAIKHOM Gender Female Student ID number 19PG034 Email ID sabanawaikhom@gmail.Com Program name MD Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 19PG034 MobileNumber 9774705852 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SW
Name of the student AVINASH.M.S.N.V Gender Male Student ID number 19PG035 Email ID avinashmsnv@gmail.com Program name MS General Surgery Enrolment ID 19PG035 MobileNumber 7981505701 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : A
Name of the student CHANDRIKA NAYYAR Gender Female Student ID number 19PG032 Email ID chandrika_nayyar@yahoo.com Program name MD Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 19PG032 MobileNumber 9561389876 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : CN
Name of the student NISHI NAGARIA Gender Female Student ID number 19PG033 Email ID nishinagaria@yahoo.com Program name MD Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 19PG033 MobileNumber 8390883986 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : NN
Name of the student VARSHITHA G R Gender Female Student ID number 19PG030 Email ID vgr8495@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 19PG030 MobileNumber 9535100125 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : VGR
Name of the student YASHAS ULLAS.L Gender Male Student ID number 19PG031 Email ID dryashasullas@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 19PG031 MobileNumber 9036696363 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : YU
Name of the student CHAITHANYA A Gender Female Student ID number 19PG027 Email ID chaithanya.a64@gmail.com Program name MD Radio Diagnosis Radiology Enrolment ID 19PG027 MobileNumber 7829958827 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : CA
Name of the student SINCHANA B Gender Female Student ID number 19PG025 Email ID sinchana993@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 19PG025 MobileNumber 9448232163 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SB
Name of the student SHRI EASWARI S Gender Female Student ID number 19PG024 Email ID sriyogi.yogi@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 19PG024 MobileNumber 8754112201 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SES
Name of the student MAHIMA L N Gender Female Student ID number 19PG022 Email ID mahi.mahima30@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 19PG022 MobileNumber 9902730189 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MLN
Name of the student PREETHI RATHNASABAPATHY Gender Female Student ID number 19PG023 Email ID preethiraju1864@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 19PG023 MobileNumber 9487779089 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : PR
Name of the student CHANDRAMOHAN K Gender Male Student ID number 19PG020 Email ID cmohan394cm@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 19PG020 MobileNumber 9787146302 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : CK
Name of the student ISHITA RAJ Gender Female Student ID number 19PG021 Email ID ishitadranjan@gmail.com Program name MD Anaesthesiology Enrolment ID 19PG021 MobileNumber 9686756186 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : IR
Name of the student VIDYASHREE.B Gender Female Student ID number 19PG018 Email ID vidya123arun@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 19PG018 MobileNumber 8971623124 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : V
Name of the student LAKSHMI PRAVALLIKA Y Gender Female Student ID number 19PG015 Email ID ypravallika412@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 19PG015 MobileNumber 9949500840 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : LPY
Name of the student BOMMAREDDY NIRANJAN REDDY Gender Male Student ID number 19PG014 Email ID nirubommareddy@gmail.com Program name MD Paediatrics Enrolment ID 19PG014 MobileNumber 9959372288 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : BNR
Name of the student JAVERIA AFSHAN Gender Female Student ID number 19PG011 Email ID afsjaveria@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 19PG011 MobileNumber 8105844528 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : JA
Name of the student RAKESH KUMAR G Gender Male Student ID number 19PG012 Email ID rakeshkumarvinay@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 19PG012 MobileNumber 9901917979 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : RKG
Name of the student DHEERAJ KUMAR REDDY A Gender Male Student ID number 19PG009 Email ID dheer818@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 19PG009 MobileNumber 9492300660 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : DKRA
Name of the student HEMANTH KUMAR REDDY K Gender Male Student ID number 19PG010 Email ID hemanthreddy56786@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 19PG010 MobileNumber 8095708798 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : HKRK
Name of the student CHINTA APARNA Gender Female Student ID number 19PG007 Email ID dr.aparnachintla@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 19PG007 MobileNumber 7675938917 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : CA
Name of the student MADHAVI S HULLUR Gender Female Student ID number 19PG005 Email ID dr.msh@yahoo.com Program name MD Microbiology Enrolment ID 19PG005 MobileNumber 9844746666 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : MSH
Name of the student ATISHAYA G V Gender Male Student ID number 19PG006 Email ID atishayaatishaya@gmail.com Program name MD General Medicine Enrolment ID 19PG006 MobileNumber 9986722473 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : AGV
Name of the student SOUMYA M HADIMANI Gender Female Student ID number 19PG004 Email ID soumyamhadimani@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 19PG004 MobileNumber 8383869289 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : SMH
Name of the student PRINCY.S.SOMAN Gender Female Student ID number 19PG002 Email ID anjukaizer@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 19PG002 MobileNumber 8129988373 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : P
Name of the student RABBA VIJAYA SOWJANYA LAKSHMI Gender Female Student ID number 19PG003 Email ID sowjanyanaveen91@gmail.com Program name MD Pathology Enrolment ID 19PG003 MobileNumber 9398400319 Year of joining 2019 Short Form : RVSL
Name of the student Dr.Sreelekshmi S Gender Female Student ID number 18DLO02 Email ID drsreesnair@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Oto Rhino Laryngology Enrolment ID 18DLO02 MobileNumber 9048119880 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DS
Name of the student Dr.Desai Neeraj Chhaganlal Gender Male Student ID number 18DORTHO02 Email ID dr.neerajdesai@outlook.com Program name Diploma in Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 18DORTHO02 MobileNumber 8320922683 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DNC
Name of the student Dr.Gujarathi Harsh Vivek Gender Male Student ID number 18DLO01 Email ID drharsho5@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Oto Rhino Laryngology Enrolment ID 18DLO01 MobileNumber 9545554551 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DHV
Name of the student Dr.Smitha Shyam Kumar Gender Female Student ID number 18DO02 Email ID smithaskumar9@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 18DO02 MobileNumber 7026826449 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DSK
Name of the student Dr.Arjit Kumar Paterai Gender Male Student ID number 18DORTHO01 Email ID arjit.kumar.pateria@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Orthopaedics Enrolment ID 18DORTHO01 MobileNumber 9893210806 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DKP
Name of the student Dr.Wanve Snehal Anil Gender Female Student ID number 18DGO03 Email ID snehalwanwe88@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 18DGO03 MobileNumber 8600218888 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DSA
Name of the student Dr.Shereen Hasan Bhat Gender Female Student ID number 18DO01 Email ID prerogative88@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Ophthalmology Enrolment ID 18DO01 MobileNumber 8447233633 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DHB
Name of the student Dr.Vishwanath K Alleppanavar Gender Male Student ID number 18DGO02 Email ID vish2vin@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 18DGO02 MobileNumber 9743967065 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DKA
Name of the student Dr.Shreyehs S Gender Male Student ID number 18DDVL01 Email ID shreyehss@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Enrolment ID 18DDVL01 MobileNumber 9008806101 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DS
Name of the student Dr Ritika Narayan Gender Female Student ID number 18DGO01 Email ID drnarayan05@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Enrolment ID 18DGO01 MobileNumber 8130110634 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DRN
Name of the student Dr.Divya Teja Patil Gender Female Student ID number 18DMRD01 Email ID divyareddy.patil@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Radio Diagnosis Enrolment ID 18DMRD01 MobileNumber 9986507532 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DTP
Name of the student Dr.Sushmitha S Prasad Gender Female Student ID number 18DMRD02 Email ID sushmithaemerald@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Radio Diagnosis Enrolment ID 18DMRD02 MobileNumber 9731826368 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DSP
Name of the student Dr.Karvanga Sampath Goud Gender Male Student ID number 18DCH01 Email ID drkarvanga@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Child Health Enrolment ID 18DCH01 MobileNumber 9397939791 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DSG
Name of the student Dr.Pradeep Goud S Gender Male Student ID number 18DCH02 Email ID drpradeepgoud1215@gmail.com Program name Diploma in Child Health Enrolment ID 18DCH02 MobileNumber 9703196909 Year of joining 2018 Short Form : DGS