Harsh Kumar

Name of the student Harsh Kumar Gender Male Student ID number 17M10045 Email ID harshgpt007@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10045 MobileNumber 8578079567 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : HK

Hitesh Yadav

Name of the student Hitesh Yadav Gender Male Student ID number 17M10046 Email ID hiteshyadav2310@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10046 MobileNumber 7689903677 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : HY

Firoj Khan

Name of the student Firoj Khan Gender Male Student ID number 17M10039 Email ID firoz261997@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10039 MobileNumber 8432002886 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : FK

Dinesh Kumar

Name of the student Dinesh Kumar Gender Male Student ID number 17M10036 Email ID dinehskjalor1997@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10036 MobileNumber 8952955776 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : DK

Baibhav Kumar

Name of the student Baibhav Kumar Gender Male Student ID number 17M10026 Email ID baibhav.captainindia17@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10026 MobileNumber 7645989290 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : BK

Balram Jat

Name of the student Balram Jat Gender Male Student ID number 17M10027 Email ID jatbalram01@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10027 MobileNumber 8824241140 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : BJ

Atul Bedi

Name of the student Atul Bedi Gender Male Student ID number 17M10023 Email ID atulbedi98@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10023 MobileNumber 9901331709 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AB


Name of the student Avantika Gender Female Student ID number 17M10025 Email ID avantika123@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10025 MobileNumber 9576377672 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : A

Arunima Saxena

Name of the student Arunima Saxena Gender Female Student ID number 17M10021 Email ID arunimasaxena30221@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10021 MobileNumber 9828164937 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AS

Ashish Sahani

Name of the student Ashish Sahani Gender Male Student ID number 17M10022 Email ID ashishsahani1308@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10022 MobileNumber 8847852009 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AS

Arpit Mehta

Name of the student Arpit Mehta Gender Male Student ID number 17M10020 Email ID arpitoffi@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10020 MobileNumber 9602338437 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AM

Anuj Navhal

Name of the student Anuj Navhal Gender Male Student ID number 17M10018 Email ID navhalanuj@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10018 MobileNumber 9413403529 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AN


Name of the student Anjali Gender Female Student ID number 17M10017 Email ID anjalisingh9334@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10017 MobileNumber 7783818508 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : A

Ananthan U R

Name of the student Ananthan U R Gender Male Student ID number 17M10014 Email ID ananthanur2014@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10014 MobileNumber 8547928299 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AUR

Akshat Goyal

Name of the student Akshat Goyal Gender Male Student ID number 17M10009 Email ID goyal.akshat1998@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10009 MobileNumber 9414233755 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AG

Aman Kumar

Name of the student Aman Kumar Gender Male Student ID number 17M10010 Email ID amankr633@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10010 MobileNumber 7903358582 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AK

Anagha v J

Name of the student Anagha V J Gender Female Student ID number 17M10012 Email ID anaghavj1997@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10012 MobileNumber 9605769671 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AVJ

Aditya Kumar

Name of the student Aditya Kumar Gender Male Student ID number 17M10004 Email ID adityakumar.jha65@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 17M10004 MobileNumber 8226849697 Year of joining 2017 Short Form : AK

Yashaswini G S

Name of the student Yashaswini G S Gender Female Student ID number 16M10149 Email ID gnsreenivasa1963@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10149 MobileNumber 8050700385 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : YGS

Vidya Nidhi

Name of the student Vidya Nidhi Gender Female Student ID number 16M10144 Email ID vidyanidhi2@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10144 MobileNumber 8084252397 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VN

Sushmita Sinha

Name of the student Sushmita Sinha Gender Female Student ID number 16M10137 Email ID sushmitasinha.6march@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10137 MobileNumber 7297879076 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Srihari H P

Name of the student Srihari H P Gender Male Student ID number 16M10135 Email ID hpsrihari@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10135 MobileNumber 9743755587 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SHP

Spandana T.r

Name of the student Spandana T.R Gender Female Student ID number 16M10133 Email ID spandanaraghu98@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10133 MobileNumber 9902719663 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : ST


Name of the student Spoorthi.P Gender Female Student ID number 16M10134 Email ID saispoorthip@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10134 MobileNumber 7975272405 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : S

Sonal Singh

Name of the student Sonal Singh Gender Female Student ID number 16M10131 Email ID sonal.singh.26020410@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10131 MobileNumber 8252951967 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Sonali Soni

Name of the student Sonali Soni Gender Female Student ID number 16M10132 Email ID sonalisoni00.ss@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10132 MobileNumber 7618703762 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Somrita Das

Name of the student Somrita Das Gender Female Student ID number 16M10129 Email ID somritadas2007@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10129 MobileNumber 9945413130 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SD

Somya Saxena

Name of the student Somya Saxena Gender Female Student ID number 16M10130 Email ID somya.max96@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10130 MobileNumber 9148836071 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS


Name of the student Snigdha Gender Female Student ID number 16M10128 Email ID snig.temp@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10128 MobileNumber 8858745448 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : S

Shrey Ahlawat

Name of the student Shrey Ahlawat Gender Male Student ID number 16M10125 Email ID shreyahlawat04@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10125 MobileNumber 8447974556 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SA


Name of the student Sharvan Gender Male Student ID number 16M10122 Email ID sharvan110798@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10122 MobileNumber 7406158991 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : S

Shalini Singh

Name of the student Shalini Singh Gender Female Student ID number 16M10119 Email ID dr.shalinisingh7@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10119 MobileNumber 8296455210 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Sanjay S.t

Name of the student Sanjay S.T Gender Male Student ID number 16M10118 Email ID sanjaysanju1999@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10118 MobileNumber 8825978443 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Sande Sujay

Name of the student Sande Sujay Gender Male Student ID number 16M10117 Email ID sujayraj97@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10117 MobileNumber 9866660007 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Ricansh Meena

Name of the student Ricansh Meena Gender Male Student ID number 16M10107 Email ID meenariyansh@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10107 MobileNumber 9785530636 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RM

Ritik Aseri

Name of the student Ritik Aseri Gender Male Student ID number 16M10106 Email ID aseriritik57@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10106 MobileNumber 7892796859 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RA

Rashmi S N

Name of the student Rashmi S N Gender Female Student ID number 16M10102 Email ID rashmi.sn19@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10102 MobileNumber 9901972544 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RSN

R. Gagan

Name of the student R. Gagan Gender Male Student ID number 16M10100 Email ID rgaganreddy777@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10100 MobileNumber 7022843397 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RG

Pritam Panda

Name of the student Pritam Panda Gender Male Student ID number 16M10097 Email ID panda.pritam889@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10097 MobileNumber 9538549640 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : PP