Dharshan L

Name of the student DHARSHAN L Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID dharshanlokesh1701@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME027 Mobile Number 9206266531 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : DL

Dhanush v

Name of the student DHANUSH V Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID vdanush456@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME026 Mobile Number 8050910043 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : DV

Deepak v

Name of the student DEEPAK V Gender M Category 3BH State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID deepak_1998@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME024 Mobile Number 9986746181 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : DV

Devanth G

Name of the student DEVANTH G Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID deekshit9916@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME025 Mobile Number 9901412045 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : DG

Deekshith Gowda v U

Name of the student DEEKSHITH GOWDA V U Gender M Category 3BG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID deekshithgowda4564@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME021 Mobile Number 9900906575 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : DGVU

Chethan K

Name of the student CHETHAN K Gender M Category 3AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID chethankumar88844@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME020 Mobile Number 9620717564 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : CK

Chethan B R

Name of the student CHETHAN B R Gender M Category 3AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID chethanbrajappa@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME019 Mobile Number 9071209264 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : CBR

Charan H K

Name of the student CHARAN H K Gender M Category 2AR State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID charanhk98@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME016 Mobile Number 8317471431 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : CHK

Charan S.

Name of the student CHARAN S. Gender M Category 2AR State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID charan9894@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME017 Mobile Number 8197237856 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : CS

Chaithra G S

Name of the student CHAITHRA G S Gender F Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID chaithrags99@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME014 Mobile Number 9008135106 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : CGS

Arjun v Gowda

Name of the student ARJUN V GOWDA Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID arjungowda2827@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME011 Mobile Number 9538268682 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AVG

Balaji J

Name of the student BALAJI J Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID badra3779@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME013 Mobile Number 8480656536 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : BJ

Amogh G

Name of the student AMOGH G Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID amoghsadan@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME009 Mobile Number 9606246828 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AG

Amruth S

Name of the student AMRUTH S Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sathyanarayana2855@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME010 Mobile Number 9663994045 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AS

Ambaprasad G Hegde

Name of the student AMBAPRASAD G HEGDE Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID ambaprasad295@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME008 Mobile Number 8147231104 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AGH

Akshay Channappa K

Name of the student AKSHAY CHANNAPPA K Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID channappaakshay@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME006 Mobile Number 9035861765 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : ACK

Akshay P S

Name of the student AKSHAY P S Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID akshayps1765@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME007 Mobile Number 8147343567 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : APS

Akshatha J Prakash

Name of the student AKSHATHA J PRAKASH Gender F Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID akshatha17jp@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME005 Mobile Number 7204704070 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AJP


Name of the student AJAY Gender M Category 1R State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID ajaymahajan585@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME004 Mobile Number 9611683142 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : A

Abhishek R

Name of the student ABHISHEK R Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID abhi86365@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME001 Mobile Number 8296145984 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AR

Aishwarya B S

Name of the student AISHWARYA B S Gender F Category 1G State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID qishwaryabs9611@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16ME003 Mobile Number 9901149130 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : ABS

Vipul Sharma

Name of the student VIPUL SHARMA Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Jharkand Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID vipuls98@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME103 Mobile Number 8298400972 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VS

Sharath J

Name of the student SHARATH J Gender M Category SCG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID 05sharathj97@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME090 Mobile Number 8217446078 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SJ

Shaikh Shahid Alam

Name of the student SHAIKH SHAHID ALAM Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Chattisgarh Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shahidalam1596@gamil.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME087 Mobile Number 8109200103 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SSA

Shaik Mohammed Nisaar

Name of the student SHAIK MOHAMMED NISAAR Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID smdnisar111@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME086 Mobile Number 9148164297 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SMN

Punith Jadhav v

Name of the student PUNITH JADHAV V Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID vpunithj@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME070 Mobile Number 7019723424 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PJV

Saksham Kanthak

Name of the student SAKSHAM KANTHAK Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Chattisgarh Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sakshamkanthak2812@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME082 Mobile Number 9340409562 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SK

Kishore S

Name of the student KISHORE S Gender M Category 3A State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID kishore9712@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME045 Mobile Number 9620196343 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : KS

Shashank P

Name of the student SHASHANK P Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID pshashi.1897@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME062 Mobile Number 9945680556 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SP

Hithesh T M

Name of the student HITHESH T M Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID hitheshgani@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME039 Mobile Number 9739759544 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : HTM

Harshitha P

Name of the student HARSHITHA P Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID harshithaprakasha@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME036 Mobile Number 9071305556 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : HP

Dilip Gowda L

Name of the student DILIP GOWDA L Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID dilipgowda6899@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME027 Mobile Number 7026169303 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : DGL

Chethan Wali

Name of the student CHETHAN WALI Gender M Category GMH State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID chetanwali1998@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME019 Mobile Number 9900822231 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : CW

Aman Nain

Name of the student AMAN NAIN Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Kerala Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID main026aman@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME009 Mobile Number 8867392471 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : AN

Vishwas Gowda D

Name of the student VISHWAS GOWDA D Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID vishwasvish.gowda@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG14ME127 Mobile Number 9481135853 Year of joining 2014 Short Form : VGD

Abhishek Madappa Wale

Name of the student ABHISHEK MADAPPA WALE Gender M Category STG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID 1289abhimanyu1289@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15ME002 Mobile Number 8296130409 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : AMW

Shamsheer Hussain

Name of the student SHAMSHEER HUSSAIN Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shamsheershammu687@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG14ME103 Mobile Number 8747866594 Year of joining 2014 Short Form : SH

Karthok Baddoli

Name of the student KARTHOK BADDOLI Gender M Category 3BH State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID kbaddoli@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG14ME048 Mobile Number 8095067001 Year of joining 2014 Short Form : KB

Akshay Raj

Name of the student AKSHAY RAJ Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Bihar Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID akshay7411220901@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG14ME008 Mobile Number 7411220901 Year of joining 2014 Short Form : AR

Nagamma T B

Name of the student NAGAMMA T B Gender F Category 3A State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID naguteju058@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS133 Mobile Number 7022727265 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : NTB

Prabhat Kumar Gupta

Name of the student PRABHAT KUMAR GUPTA Gender M Category GM State of Domicile UP Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID prabhatkumargupta333@gmail.com Program name ME Unique Enrolment ID 1SG13ME082 Mobile Number 8497891206 Year of joining 2013 Short Form : PKG

Sampritha K G

Name of the student SAMPRITHA K G Gender F Category 3A State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID kgsampritha@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS132 Mobile Number 8867307021 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SKG

Arshad Makarani

Name of the student ARSHAD MAKARANI Gender M Category GM State of Domicile chhattisgarh Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID arshadchiku@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS130 Mobile Number 9926744424 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AM

Karishma Jaiswal

Name of the student KARISHMA JAISWAL Gender F Category OBC State of Domicile UTTAR PRADESH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID nitijajaiswal123@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS131 Mobile Number 8299591502 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : KJ

Abhishek Holla

Name of the student ABHISHEK HOLLA Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID abhishekhollo@yahoo.in Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS129 Mobile Number 7259973647 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AH

Rohit Rajur

Name of the student ROHIT RAJUR Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID rohitrajur14@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS127 Mobile Number 8867278285 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RR


Name of the student SREENATH Gender M Category OBC 2A State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sreenathn16@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS128 Mobile Number 7338449209 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : S

Vyom Mishra

Name of the student VYOM MISHRA Gender M Category 3BG State of Domicile UTTAR PRADESH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID vyommishra98@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS126 Mobile Number 8765257090 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VM

Vishwaraj Veer

Name of the student VISHWARAJ VEER Gender M Category GM State of Domicile BIHAR Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID veer.vishwaraj007@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS123 Mobile Number 9742304100 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VV

Vishwas Valahatti

Name of the student VISHWAS VALAHATTI Gender M Category 3BG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID vishwas.valahatti@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS124 Mobile Number 9738734732 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VV

Varsha v

Name of the student VARSHA V Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID varshipivku34@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS119 Mobile Number 9986100573 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VV

Varshitha J

Name of the student VARSHITHA J Gender F Category SNQ State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID varshithajk@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS120 Mobile Number 9148918802 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VJ

Varsha G Raj

Name of the student VARSHA G RAJ Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID varshagraj@yahoo.in Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS118 Mobile Number 9008202966 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : VGR

Usha R

Name of the student USHA R Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID ushar3003@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS115 Mobile Number 9980315426 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : UR

Usha S L

Name of the student USHA S L Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID ushaslmarch4@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS116 Mobile Number 7338457374 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : USL

Tarun Kumar K M

Name of the student TARUN KUMAR K M Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID tarun.17.1998@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS113 Mobile Number 7795604294 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : TKKM

Sunil Kumar K

Name of the student SUNIL KUMAR K Gender M Category 2AH State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID saisunilk.98@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS111 Mobile Number 8147550038 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SKK

Swastik Hegde

Name of the student SWASTIK HEGDE Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID swastik.s.hegde@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS112 Mobile Number 9513485970 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SH

Sukrutha M

Name of the student SUKRUTHA M Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID msukrutha@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS110 Mobile Number 9880441451 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SM

Sohan Vemu

Name of the student SOHAN VEMU Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sohanvemu08@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS108 Mobile Number 9886969189 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SV

Sowkya P K

Name of the student SOWKYA P K Gender F Category SNQ State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID pksowkya@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS109 Mobile Number 7349662216 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SPK

Sindhu V.s

Name of the student SINDHU V.S Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sindhu17feb1999@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS107 Mobile Number 9448411197 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SV

Sinchana S Babu

Name of the student SINCHANA S BABU Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sinchana.s.babu@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS106 Mobile Number 9538860036 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SSB

Shreya G

Name of the student SHREYA G Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shreya.g10@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS104 Mobile Number 8050842293 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SG

Shrawan Kumar

Name of the student SHRAWAN KUMAR Gender M Category GM State of Domicile BIHAR Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shrawankr.sk@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS102 Mobile Number 7892595829 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SK

Shree Raksha R

Name of the student SHREE RAKSHA R Gender F Category SCG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID raksharamesh94@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS103 Mobile Number 9902473738 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SRR

Sheethal S

Name of the student SHEETHAL S Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sheeth41@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS100 Mobile Number 8748061464 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Shivam Pandey

Name of the student SHIVAM PANDEY Gender M Category GM State of Domicile UTTARPRADESH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID iamcvampandey@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS101 Mobile Number 7786869592 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SP

Shashank M Bairy

Name of the student SHASHANK M BAIRY Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shashbairy@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS098 Mobile Number 9902369070 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SMB

Shaheen M

Name of the student SHAHEEN M Gender F Category 2BG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shaheen.m3589@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS096 Mobile Number 9980287292 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SM

Shalini K v

Name of the student SHALINI K V Gender F Category 2AR State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID shalinikv1999@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS097 Mobile Number 9206642315 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SKV

Seema R

Name of the student SEEMA R Gender F Category 2BG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID seemar0291998@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS095 Mobile Number 9620338443 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SR

Saurabh Mohan Gajbhiye

Name of the student SAURABH MOHAN GAJBHIYE Gender M Category GM State of Domicile MAHARASTRA Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID saurabhgajbhiye007@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS093 Mobile Number 9823517804 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SMG

Saurav Dubey

Name of the student SAURAV DUBEY Gender M Category GM State of Domicile UTTARPRADESH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sauravdubey816@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS094 Mobile Number 9482109858 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SD

Sanchita Hegde

Name of the student SANCHITA HEGDE Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sanchuhegde@gamil.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS092 Mobile Number 9743058484 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SH

Sanath Kumar Bhat K

Name of the student SANATH KUMAR BHAT K Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sanathkbhat@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS090 Mobile Number 8073960474 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SKBK

Sanath S

Name of the student SANATH S Gender M Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sanath1998@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS091 Mobile Number 9480526272 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SS

Saksham Balyan

Name of the student SAKSHAM BALYAN Gender M Category GM State of Domicile Maharashtra Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID saksham.4653@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS088 Mobile Number 9404714405 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SB

Saksham Phadke

Name of the student SAKSHAM PHADKE Gender M Category GM State of Domicile UTTARPRADESH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sakshamphad1080@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS089 Mobile Number 8152993979 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SP

Pratik Kumar

Name of the student PRATIK KUMAR Gender M Category GM State of Domicile BIHAR Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID pratikkumarpk850@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG15IS079 Mobile Number 8507354389 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PK

Sahana C

Name of the student SAHANA C Gender F Category GM State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sahanac295@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS087 Mobile Number 9743058484 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SC

Sachin R

Name of the student SACHIN R Gender M Category SNQ State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID sachinrb271@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS086 Mobile Number 8892666739 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SR

Sachin Dolta

Name of the student SACHIN DOLTA Gender M Category GM State of Domicile HIMACHAL PRADESH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID imsdolta@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS085 Mobile Number 9448392695 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SD

S Suriys Rashmi

Name of the student S SURIYS RASHMI Gender F Category 2AG State of Domicile Karnataka Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID s.suriyarashmi@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS084 Mobile Number 9482073774 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SSR

S Gayathri

Name of the student S GAYATHRI Gender F Category GM State of Domicile TAMIL NADU Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID gayathriwithusg@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS083 Mobile Number 8722733483 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : SG

Rupam Paul

Name of the student RUPAM PAUL Gender M Category GM State of Domicile WEST BENGAL Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID realrupampaul@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS082 Mobile Number 9164556962 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RP


Name of the student RITWICK Gender M Category GM State of Domicile ODISHA Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID officialritwick678@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS080 Mobile Number 8699093274 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : R

Robin Singh Chauhan

Name of the student ROBIN SINGH CHAUHAN Gender M Category GM State of Domicile GUJARATH Nationality if othern than Indian Indian Email ID robinsinghchauhan11@gmail.com Program name ISE Unique Enrolment ID 1SG16IS081 Mobile Number 6360199688 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : RSC