Ajhay Srinivass C
Name of the student Ajhay Srinivass C Gender Male Student ID number 16M10008 Email ID ajhaysrinivas@rocketmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10008 MobileNumber 9489102982 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : ASC
Name of the student Ajhay Srinivass C Gender Male Student ID number 16M10008 Email ID ajhaysrinivas@rocketmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10008 MobileNumber 9489102982 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : ASC
Name of the student Abul Fazal Lukmani Gender Male Student ID number 16M10005 Email ID abullulukmani@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10005 MobileNumber 7019233272 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AFL
Name of the student Adapa Gowri Sri Priya Gender Female Student ID number 16M10006 Email ID gowrisripriya@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10006 MobileNumber 7207958956 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AGSP
Name of the student Abhishek K R Gender Male Student ID number 16M10003 Email ID abhi198765@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10003 MobileNumber 7019785651 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AKR
Name of the student Abul Faize Gender Male Student ID number 16M10004 Email ID abulfaiz74@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10004 MobileNumber 8281296929 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AF
Name of the student Abdul Aleem Najeeb Kareem Gender Male Student ID number 16M10001 Email ID aleemnajeeb@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10001 MobileNumber 9611248616 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AANK
Name of the student Abhishek G P Gender Male Student ID number 16M10002 Email ID abhishekprakash30@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 16M10002 MobileNumber 9513388666 Year of joining 2016 Short Form : AGP
Name of the student YENUGA POOJITHA NAGA SAI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10149 Email ID poojithanagasai59@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10149 MobileNumber 9483968153 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : YPNS
Name of the student YESHWANTH KUMAR D.H Gender Male Student ID number 15M10150 Email ID yeshwanthada@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10150 MobileNumber 9676451074 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : YKD
Name of the student VUTUKURI KIRANMAI Gender Male Student ID number 15M10147 Email ID vutukurikiranmai@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10147 MobileNumber 9482441762 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VK
Name of the student YALLAMBHOTLA VARUNEIL Gender Male Student ID number 15M10148 Email ID varuneil@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10148 MobileNumber 9591774595 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : YV
Name of the student VIJAY SRI T.S Gender Female Student ID number 15M10145 Email ID vijaysrisaravanan@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10145 MobileNumber 9481883664 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VST
Name of the student VISWANADHULA NAVYA SAI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10146 Email ID navyasai1112@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10146 MobileNumber 9008071434 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VNS
Name of the student VATTIKUTI HARSHA VARDHAN Gender Male Student ID number 15M10143 Email ID vardhanh625@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10143 MobileNumber 9449913476 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VHV
Name of the student VIDYAA KIRUBANIDHI U Gender Female Student ID number 15M10144 Email ID vidyaa.kirubanidhi@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10144 MobileNumber 9566893668 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VKU
Name of the student VARUN RAVEENDRAN NAIR Gender Male Student ID number 15M10141 Email ID varunkvperingode@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10141 MobileNumber 8277211635 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VRN
Name of the student VASAM REDDY KASHYAP Gender Male Student ID number 15M10142 Email ID kashyapvasamreddy@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10142 MobileNumber 9494235245 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VRK
Name of the student VANSHPRIYA SHARMA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10139 Email ID vanshpriyasharma@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10139 MobileNumber 7014397589 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VS
Name of the student VARSHINI R Gender Female Student ID number 15M10140 Email ID gangu271997@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10140 MobileNumber 9448811200 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VR
Name of the student VANDANAPU VENKATA SRI HARSHA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10137 Email ID wwwe.harsha13@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10137 MobileNumber 9441848070 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VVSH
Name of the student VANGA SREEKAR Gender Male Student ID number 15M10138 Email ID vangasreekarreddy536@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10138 MobileNumber 9108572474 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VS
Name of the student VAIBHAV DABWAL Gender Male Student ID number 15M10135 Email ID vaibhavdabwalv1@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10135 MobileNumber 9953054295 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VD
Name of the student VAMSI KRISHNA REDDY KURRI Gender Male Student ID number 15M10136 Email ID vamsikr2345@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10136 MobileNumber 9440442345 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VKRK
Name of the student VADLAMUDI ALEKHYA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10133 Email ID alekhyavadlamudi1996@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10133 MobileNumber 9481955624 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VA
Name of the student VADUGURU HARI KRISHNA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10134 Email ID akilhari8@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10134 MobileNumber 9440079653 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VHK
Name of the student V SAI MANJUNATH SWAMY Gender Male Student ID number 15M10105 Email ID saitigermanjunath@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10105 MobileNumber 9148328343 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VSMS
Name of the student VABBALAREDDI MOHAN KUMAR Gender Male Student ID number 15M10132 Email ID mohan7667@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10132 MobileNumber 8885611148 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : VMK
Name of the student SWETHA K NAIDU Gender Female Student ID number 15M10129 Email ID swethakchowdary6@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10129 MobileNumber 9739679433 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SKN
Name of the student TIPIRNENI SRI MEGHANA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10131 Email ID meghanatipirneni@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10131 MobileNumber 8762506608 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : TSM
Name of the student SUGGULA VAMSI KRISHNA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10126 Email ID suggulavamsi@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10126 MobileNumber 9449358154 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SVK
Name of the student SUNKARA SRI LAXMI PRIYA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10127 Email ID laxmipriyasunkara1@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10127 MobileNumber 9849833625 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SSLP
Name of the student SRIVANI PALLAMPARTHY Gender Female Student ID number 15M10124 Email ID srivani.pallam@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10124 MobileNumber 7022265051 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SP
Name of the student SUENERA KATHRINE P.V Gender Female Student ID number 15M10125 Email ID pvsk.med@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10125 MobileNumber 9445809202 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SKP
Name of the student SRIRAM S PRASAD Gender Male Student ID number 15M10123 Email ID scientificsriram@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10123 MobileNumber 9483544177 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SSP
Name of the student SOWMINI BHARATHI S Gender Female Student ID number 15M10121 Email ID sowminibharathi2015@yahoo.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10121 MobileNumber 9500529653 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SBS
Name of the student SOUMYA Z CHINCHOLIKAR Gender Female Student ID number 15M10120 Email ID chincholikarsoumya2497@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10120 MobileNumber 9108186700 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SZC
Name of the student SHUSHRUTH M Gender Male Student ID number 15M10117 Email ID shusruthreddy@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10117 MobileNumber 8197088084 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SM
Name of the student SHUSHRUTHA S.R Gender Female Student ID number 15M10118 Email ID ankithasushma856@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10118 MobileNumber 9535303986 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SS
Name of the student SMITHA SHALINE Gender Female Student ID number 15M10119 Email ID smitashalini950627@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10119 MobileNumber 8318048418 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SS
Name of the student SHUBHANSHA JAIN Gender Female Student ID number 15M10116 Email ID shubhanshajain18@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10116 MobileNumber 7760839473 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SJ
Name of the student SHALINI V.M Gender Female Student ID number 15M10114 Email ID shalinismylee07@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10114 MobileNumber 9441864519 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SV
Name of the student SHRISTI VATS Gender Female Student ID number 15M10115 Email ID shristi1996@yahoo.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10115 MobileNumber 9473456526 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SV
Name of the student SANTHOSH R Gender Male Student ID number 15M10111 Email ID saragosh1234@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10111 MobileNumber 9486542611 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SR
Name of the student SENDHARA P.S Gender Female Student ID number 15M10112 Email ID sendharaps@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10112 MobileNumber 6369689965 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SP
Name of the student SHAIK SALEHA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10113 Email ID shaiksaleha2@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10113 MobileNumber 9550930955 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SS
Name of the student SAMPATHI LAHARI KRISHNA LATHA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10109 Email ID laharikls96@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10109 MobileNumber 9480543169 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SLKL
Name of the student SANJAYNATH T Gender Male Student ID number 15M10110 Email ID sanjayanathsdumc@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10110 MobileNumber 8838269476 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : ST
Name of the student SAKETH MISHRA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10107 Email ID saketmishra2020@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10107 MobileNumber 9663849618 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SM
Name of the student SAKSHI SHARMA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10108 Email ID sakshisharam060296@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10108 MobileNumber 8562070170 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SS
Name of the student ROSHNI SHIVRAM Gender Female Student ID number 15M10103 Email ID roshnishivram@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10103 MobileNumber 9677049357 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : RS
Name of the student SAGARIKA N SWAMY Gender Female Student ID number 15M10104 Email ID drsgnarayanaswamy@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10104 MobileNumber 9980420665 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : SNS
Name of the student RAGHAVI K.R Gender Female Student ID number 15M10101 Email ID vaghaviravi5@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10101 MobileNumber 9710892276 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : RK
Name of the student PRATHYUSHA S Gender Female Student ID number 15M10099 Email ID prathyu.somisetty@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10099 MobileNumber 9741610007 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PS
Name of the student RACHANA K.V Gender Female Student ID number 15M10100 Email ID kvrachana29@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10100 MobileNumber 9740182939 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : RK
Name of the student PRAGNAYA SOOD Gender Female Student ID number 15M10097 Email ID pragnayasood@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10097 MobileNumber 9686323731 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PS
Name of the student PRAJWAL RAO K Gender Male Student ID number 15M10098 Email ID prajwalk96prk@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10098 MobileNumber 9448005882 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PRK
Name of the student POSANI SAROJINI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10094 Email ID sarojini.posani@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10094 MobileNumber 9449913869 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PS
Name of the student POTHAPALA VINEETH Gender Male Student ID number 15M10095 Email ID vineethvihari6328@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10095 MobileNumber 9849284824 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PV
Name of the student PERISETTY BRAHMANI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10093 Email ID brahmaniperisetty@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10093 MobileNumber 9972699415 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PB
Name of the student PENDYALA MANOGNA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10091 Email ID manognapendyala97@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10091 MobileNumber 8762533915 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PM
Name of the student PENEMADU VYSHNAVI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10092 Email ID pearl.vyshu@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10092 MobileNumber 9491916081 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PV
Name of the student PAPAMMAGARI INDRA SAI KUMAR REDDY Gender Male Student ID number 15M10089 Email ID indrasai89@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10089 MobileNumber 9449912577 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PISKR
Name of the student PAVITHRA R Gender Female Student ID number 15M10090 Email ID pinky.pavithra.gowda@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10090 MobileNumber 8884994992 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PR
Name of the student PANTA SOWMYA Gender Female Student ID number 15M10088 Email ID sowmyapanta10@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10088 MobileNumber 8197008236 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PS
Name of the student PAMUJULA SUJITH Gender Male Student ID number 15M10087 Email ID psujith10@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10087 MobileNumber 9490565989 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : PS
Name of the student NISCHAL N GOWDA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10085 Email ID nischalngowda@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10085 MobileNumber 9900476297 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NNG
Name of the student NRUSIMHA MURTHY TUMMALAGUNTA V.R Gender Male Student ID number 15M10086 Email ID nrushinhamurthy@outlook.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10086 MobileNumber 9448840321 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NMTV
Name of the student NEERAJ SUHAS Gender Male Student ID number 15M10083 Email ID neerajsuhas@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10083 MobileNumber 9886738451 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NS
Name of the student NENAVATH NITESH NAIK Gender Male Student ID number 15M10084 Email ID niteshnaik8277@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10084 MobileNumber 9959699359 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NNN
Name of the student NASAPPAGARI REDDY SAI SRINIVAS Gender Male Student ID number 15M10081 Email ID nrsseenu1234@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10081 MobileNumber 9347291459 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NRSS
Name of the student NAVEN KUMAR P.M Gender Male Student ID number 15M10082 Email ID narenkumar338@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10082 MobileNumber 9894804773 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NKP
Name of the student NAKKA HARSHAD NAGENDRA Gender Male Student ID number 15M10079 Email ID harsadnagendra@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10079 MobileNumber 8762904540 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NHN
Name of the student NALLAGONDA PRAVEEN Gender Male Student ID number 15M10080 Email ID nallagondapraveen3@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10080 MobileNumber 9440814802 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : NP
Name of the student MURARI SAIKIRAN Gender Male Student ID number 15M10077 Email ID kiranmurari1998@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10077 MobileNumber 7676764243 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MS
Name of the student MUSHKAM PREETHAM GOUD Gender Male Student ID number 15M10078 Email ID preethamgoudmushkam@yahoo.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10078 MobileNumber 9492162454 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MPG
Name of the student MULIKI AMANI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10075 Email ID amanimuliki123@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10075 MobileNumber 9481787822 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MA
Name of the student MUNAGANTI VAISHNAVI Gender Female Student ID number 15M10076 Email ID moaishnavi98@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10076 MobileNumber 9100455976 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MV
Name of the student MUDE SAI VENKAT Gender Male Student ID number 15M10074 Email ID saivenkat.99499@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10074 MobileNumber 7386823811 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MSV
Name of the student MEGHANA G.S Gender Female Student ID number 15M10069 Email ID meghana0197@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10069 MobileNumber 9686603981 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MG
Name of the student METTAPALLI. SAI KIRAN KANTH Gender Male Student ID number 15M10070 Email ID metlapalli.saikiran@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10070 MobileNumber 9663512626 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MSKK
Name of the student MEESALA SWARNA RAJ Gender Male Student ID number 15M10068 Email ID swarnaraj1194@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10068 MobileNumber 9482922885 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MSR
Name of the student MALOTH UDAYKIRAN Gender Male Student ID number 15M10066 Email ID udaykiran216uk64@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10066 MobileNumber 9948105015 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MU
Name of the student MEDEPALLI ALEXANDER Gender Male Student ID number 15M10067 Email ID alexandermedepalli@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10067 MobileNumber 8277360180 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : MA
Name of the student LAKSHMI MOHAN Gender Female Student ID number 15M10064 Email ID lakshmimohan685@gmail.com Program name MBBS Enrolment ID 15M10064 MobileNumber 9742410758 Year of joining 2015 Short Form : LM